Ben Yomen's

In Labor's Corner

Section 1:

Congressman Dripp


Ben Yomen's Home Page

The Book

"In Labor's Corner"



Ben Yomen 


Section 1

Congressman Dripp  


Section 2

Editorial Cartoons  


Section 3

Needles and Pins  


Section 4

1969 Integration Humor  



Order  "In Labor's Corner"

In December of 1943 "CONGRESSMAN DRIPP' was created for Federated Press.  The new weekly series was needed to counteract the anti-labor obstructionists in Congress.  "DRIPP" is symbolic of the most reactionary legislators.  He's a dixicrat, a bigot, a poll-taxer, and the leader of the bust-the-union crusade. The chuckles it generated from the workers made "DRIPP" so popular that even after FP expired in 1956, editors continued to run the cartoon as late as 1962 with new, updated gag lines.