Ben Yomen's

In Labor's Corner

Section 3:

Needles and Pins


Ben Yomen's Home Page

The Book

"In Labor's Corner"



Ben Yomen 


Section 1

Congressman Dripp  


Section 2

Editorial Cartoons  


Section 3

Needles and Pins  


Section 4

1969 Integration Humor  



Order  "In Labor's Corner"

The year was 1939 when "NEEDLES & PINS" started appearing in the International Ladies Garment Workers Union publication "JUSTICE".  It created a lot of interest in the trade.  Garment workers chuckled as they saw themselves in the cartoons. Even some bosses were amused.  The feature was so popular that the union published a booklet in 1941 with twenty cartoons reprinted from "JUSTICE" and sold them for a nickle a copy.  The curtain came down on the series in 1944 after a successful five year run.